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Sales figures of French companies

I heard that there is a website on which one can check the sales figures of french companies.

Does anyone know this website?

Answer 9845

Not sure if any of these are the specific site you’re looking for, but in your shoes I’d try the AMF (the French equivalent of the SEC), Insee (national stats agency) and the Minefi (minister of economics and finance):

Maybe also Boursorama for publicly traded companies, e.g.:

Or some googling in French, really. e.g. “Chiffres rapports entreprises” or “bilan et résultat entreprises France”. If it’s public it’ll be listed somewhere.

Answer 11681

You may also try Basic information about companies such as turnover is for free

Answer 11312

I don’t know what you are looking for exactly when you say looking at french figures but Infogreffe “Registre des commerces et sociétés” is the website where you can see annual balances of a company in exchange for some small fees.

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