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Flea market knife selling

My brother and I are looking into selling knives at a flea market. He has researched a supplier. Financially, it would not be a huge investment.

I am familiar with the tax and business side, due to a software company I owned. But, I have no idea how to get started doing flea market sales.

My brother is researching state laws pertaining to selling knives.

I want this to be a success, so any insight to making a flea market botth work would be great.

Answer 9741

Flea markets are private businesses with the right to restrict sellers in any way they please. Regardless of what your state’s law says, the flea market operator will make the rules that pertain to you selling knives (or anything else). You should start with copies of the rules of your local flea markets and make your decisions from there. These are often published on flea market operators’ websites.

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