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How do I search for an Intellectual Property lawyer?

As of today, we have a list of issues in our software product EULA that need to be addressed: export regulations, indemnity, legal entities, etc.

How do I find a specialized law firm (even worldwide)? Using Google I get only a few results and most of the companies found don’t seem focused on software licensing.


Answer 9724

Call the local or state bar association and ask for referrals to attorneys. It’s free, and the bar association is always very helpful in assisting with finding the right attorney for you.

I hope this helps.

Good luck!

Answer 9834

None of the issues you identified actually have to do with intellectual property (which is patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets). What you need is a good business lawyer to help with your software contracts.

Now, the kind of lawyer who will be good with these software contract issues is likely also going to know about IP, because IP is a very important aspect of software contracts. Getting someone who can do both is a good idea. You don’t want to shop around for a new lawyer every time an issue comes up.

Some phrases you might want to search for are “technology transactions” and “licensing”.

You can try the local bar associations, but don’t get your hopes up. Most of the lawyers on bar association referral lists are generalists, not software people. (I’m not on them, for example, because I would get mostly irrelevant stuff that would waste my time.) If you want someone local, a better approach is to talk to other business people in your area and ask for referrals.

Another option is to try sites like that help match you to a lawyer.

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