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How to find out if my app idea already exists

I have an idea for an app if it already exists where do I go to find this out

Answer 9672

To locate potential competing options, Google what your app will do and what types of problems it should solve. There’s a good chance you’ll discover something like it exists already, something that solves the same or a similar problem in a way or another, or even additional problems that it could solve and that you had not considered yet.

But don’t let that stop you: there’s an app for just about anything you can think of, yet a great many of them could have been made to do it better. You can take it from there and identify a problem that consumers or businesses are willing to pay to get rid of (as opposed to a nice to have) and do a better job at solving it than existing apps.

Answer 9674

Simple solution google it. If you found similar results that means your idea already exits.

But that should not be a problem. Open those results and see what you can do in different way. Like online shopping is an idea but we all know what amazon and other website’s are doing it in different ways.

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