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Can I use theater/musical poster images as a ticket broker?

As a ticket broker, I am legally allowed to use posters and images of the event to sell my inventory on my website?

Answer 9634

I once provided wristwatches for props in a Sony motion picture. Of course, I wanted to advertise this on our company website, as the movie was expected (and was) a blockbuster hit. I called my contact in props and asked him who to call for marketing materials. He provided me with a phone number. That person confirmed the use of our props in the movie and provided a login to a secure website containing all of the materials we were allowed to use, and how we were allowed to use them. That included downloadable posters, high resolution images, and even video clips.

The point is, there must be someone that is your official contact for getting the tickets you sell and they are probably your best source of information to get to the person that can give you the correct answer to your question. I imagine no one on here can give the correct answer because it may differ by studio, movie or other circumstances.

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