Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Can I use a shot from movie with celebrity on my blog?

For example

If I put the credit and all exactly like the site above, is it legal?

Answer 9624

Yes, it’s technically legal in the US - i.e. arguably where copyright law is as crazy and murky as it gets. (The stuff has a long history.) You can to read up on Fair Use if you’re curious to learn more.

Some companies occasionally sue on a whim regardless and periodically test the limits of the law in courts, though. Famously, Warhammer fans or Pokemon fans got sued. And until recently you could even get into trouble for singing “Happy Birthday”.

Answer 9631

So long as you are not trying to imply an endorsement or some form of relationship with the snapshot you should be fine. As Denis says above, some guard their brand in creative ways and could aim to test the limits of the law. I suspect that if you do ruffle feathers, they’ll send you a cease and desist letter once or twice giving you the chance to reconsider your choice of artwork. It does not mean they are right, nor does it mean you accept their opinion, but it saves a fight.

All content is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.