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How much will free tea be cheaper to provide in addition to free coffee?

In the US, sometimes I come across organisations that provide unlimited free coffee (where someone has to volunteer to actually make a whole pot, but all materials are free, courtesy of the org), whereas no free tea bags are provided (even though the hot-water facilities already do exist, as there’s already a clean-hot-water-tap on the coffee maker).

Is it beneficial to provide free tea in addition to free coffee, not just as an extra benefits perk, but also as part of a cost-control initiative?

How much is free coffee-by-the-pot more expensive to provide than free tea, if at all? How beneficial would it be to provide free tea bags in addition to the free-coffee-by-the-pot infrastructure?

Answer 9613

This is the sort of topic they love to discuss ad nauseam on Workplace. If you’re an employee, that might be a better forum for questions like this.

If you’re running a startup and this is the sort of detailed analysis you put into coffee/tea, let me save you a lot of time by advising you to just get the best damn tea you can find at the grocery store and make it available at no cost to your employees so there is absolutely no chance that you will ever hear a single complaint about the tea. That is the quickest and cheapest way to move on to the more pressing issues faced by your project.

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