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Constructive advertising for android apps

I do facebook advertise, and gained througt this 1200 users in the past 2 weeks. But HALF of this user just downloaded the app, opened it and never played it again. they didn’t even touch something else in the game as I can see on my server data, is there a way in advertising to prevent that sort of user? I mean, half of my spendings is just wasted money. In my ads I do clearly describe, what my game is about.

Answer 9614

is there a way in advertising to prevent that sort of user?


I think you’re blaming the wrong thing. It seems to me you’re blaming your advertising (which is obviously working, so congrats on that part) for your app’s inability to maintain the interest of your audience. Since your advertising is not deceptive, you should have a genuine chance of converting those clicks/taps/downloads into to users. However, you only have a few seconds to convert them or lose them. From what you describe, those first few seconds are probably where your problem lies.

There is a ton of info about this online. A quick search yields this blog post, but there is a ton more out there. You might also study the first few seconds of popular games which might give you the best insights.

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