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How to name a company involved in two different verticals

I’m a Electronics engineer currently working as a software developer in semiconductor industry, and looking forward to open my own Pvt. Ltd. product development company in India for manufacturing embedded electronic products like Smartphones, tablets, sensors, network devices, etc. while also providing end to end IT solutions for these products.

On the other hand, my father is a Civil engineer in Indian Railways with decades of experience in civil and mechanical construction for mega infrastructure projects like bridges, railroads, housing, etc.

We plan to establish a single company which caters to both these vertical industries, however I am not able to decide how to name the company which implies it’s intended USP. Below are some names I have in mind:

Merging the above two, I plan to name the company as:

Does the above sounds right, and do you think its a marketable name without any confusion about the nature of the company. I initially wanted to name it Foobar Industries, but in India adding Industries to company’s name requires it to be a listed company which huge capital investment. At the current moment, our company would be just a two-member company with very small capital investment.

Please also suggest any new names which you think would be helpful in the above scenario.

Answer 9574

This may be bad etiquette, but I’m going to answer a different question… Have you asked yourself, should I have one company or two for these two projects?

In my view, you clearly want two companies. Each of your projects is a big undertaking, and the two projects are completely unrelated.

If you ever want investment, it is going to be complicated because an investor probably only wants to invest in one of the two projects.

If one of your projects is sued or loses a lot of money, then it will cause both projects to fail.

The logistics of running a company is already very complicated. To have to run two completely different projects under the umbrella of a single company would make it even more complicated.

Answer 9573

No intention of being funny here but you might want to google “FUBAR” before committing yourself to a name that’s its homonym.

Back to the naming question, could you not specify the various divisions by appending the vertical to the name in parentheses eg: (construction)?

Answer 9583

Just like @RisingSupernova said please do research on whatever word you want to choose before naming your company.

Search also in different language the meaning of that said name. (Some words in English can mean something totally different in another one.)

When it comes to naming a company I have learned that the name as little to no effect on the rest. I would suggest using something simple and since your company as some very distinct verticals choose something that will not limit to only one area.

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