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Is there a better term for “operationalize” when referring to event processing and data analytics?

I’m struggling to find a better term for when a predictive analytics solution becomes embedded into an automated workflow.

Our APIs can drive everything from product recommendations to machine repair calls, but saying analytics sells it short. The term “operationalize” seems quite dull to me, but it does encapsulate the process.

In describing a software that employs graph theory to discover the complex predictive rules to trigger events and alerts, what term would be more accessible and relatable to describe the end to end process than “operationalize” or “operationalized” analytics?

Answer 9404

What you have is called "embedded analytics", where you have embedded some analytics within your application, so it is accessible to user. The wikipedia definition I think is a bit weak, wheras the Gartner definition is better.

Embedded analytics is the use of reporting and analytic capabilities in transactional business applications. These capabilities can reside outside the application, reusing the analytic infrastructure built by many enterprises, but must be easily accessible from inside the application, without forcing users to switch between systems. The integration of a business intelligence (BI) platform with the application architecture will enable users to choose where in the business process the analytics should be embedded.

Answer 9456

Some options.

“Embedded automated recursive algorithms”

“autonomous application decision making”

“Self-directed learning APIs”

I would then suggest making these into an acronym (EARA, AADM, or SDLA). Then you can use the phrase once then just use the acronym.

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