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How can share profits after making money in remote company?

I just read someone’s idea about a remote company. But actually in case of a startup on remote, it does not seem easy at all. Especially in regards to how do they deal with profit sharing after making some money?

Answer 936

Working remote in a startup is not any more challenging for dealing with the money end than any other situation. In some ways it is less since being remote more likely all money will have a nice papertrail (well virtual trail anyways).

How any individual startup will deal with the finances depends on a lot of factors and should be decided at the start via the incorporation articles/partnership agreement (or other binding agreement depending on the corporate structure) and if necessary reviewed at yearly or other intervals. A frequent way is to set up a business Paypal account (or similar e-payments solution) which the CAO/CFO/assigned individuals transfer out of to pay bills or profit share as required/possible.

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