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Website just online, how to get some feedback?

Some months ago I had this idea for a website and a workable version is now online. It’s a free online editor for scripting languages for multiple platforms (Windows, Unix, Linux and more to come) with some nice features.

I really would like to have some people from the script development community to try it out and give some feedback. Any pointers on where to start?

Answer 9308

Two major and simple methods:

  1. Put a feedback button on Right hand Side of the Pages. Positioned Fixed and having collapsed feedback form.
  2. Go to social Networks like fb, quora, stackoverflow, twitter. Join relevant Groups, Follow Relevant Topics. Introduce your Site and ask for Feedbacks.

Note: In your case Relevant Groups will be of programmers, competing codepen, jsfiddle type of sites. Like/follow other similar service providers fb pages, observe their users, indirectly introduce your site in reply to comments of users on their fb pages. Do Similar process to other social platforms. This is basic thing you can do.

Answer 9349

Just two simple methods to do

1.Insert a feedback button in your website.

2.Make sure to involve each person to join in a survey which is just a feedback form before redirecting to your site.

Answer 9320

Great tool for gathering feedback is Hotjar. I use it since beta version. It is mostly UX oriented though You can also create forms for collecting responses. All in one tool. Of course there are also tools like standalone form builders, ticket systems and cooperation software (e.g. Trello).

Having a tool(s) You should generate some traffic and ask for help on places, where more technical people hang out. Stack, forums, LinkedIn groups, etc. It would be best to start from Your fellow developers. That way You can polish it a bit before asking larger group of people for help.

Please be specific, focus on several things first. Gather feedback. Ask about other things.

Answer 9336

A good way to get feedback is to list your website on ProductHunt. If the idea is good and is implemented well, it would get upvotes. People may also comment on your submission and provide feedback.

Good luck!

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