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.ie domain name documents needed

Just wondering if someone could clarify this for me. I want to register a .ie domain name of a company im yet to register. According to the .ie guidelines (This is where I am confused) I have to produce either a company registration number(Which I dont have yet but I want to Preserve the domain for when I ‘start’ the business) and/or a copy of my passport as I am an Irish citizen.
Is this really needed or can I just use my passport and send say a letter of intent to use the business name? I just find it confusing as the .com doesnt seem to need any of the documents.

Answer 9204

Different top-level domains have different rules.

.com is one of the original top-level domains originally established for commercial sites, but is now open to anyone for any purpose .com is ultimately controlled by the American government which does not set any requirements on its registration. For that reason, it is not necessary for anyone in the world to submit any documents to register a .com domain.

.ie is a country code top level domain designated for control by the Irish government. The Irish government decides who can register it and under what circumstances. The Irish government has decided they want only Irish citizens and Ireland-registed companies to register .ie domains. The Irish government has chosen to be pro-active in ensuring compliance with their policy by pre-screening all .ie registrations. This is why you must submit a document showing your connection to Ireland. If you already have an Irish passport, that’s all you need to show.

Many other countries require a similar connection to their country to register a country code top level domain. For example, the American government requires a similar connection to register a .us domain. Countries may differ in how aggressive they are or what policies they implement, but the key is each country has control of it’s domain space. (In a similar way, you set the rules on the second level domain you register.)

Answer 11717

In order to register a .ie domain name, owner must be: - An Irish company or an Irish resident or citizen; OR - A foreign company or individual who can prove a link to Ireland.

If you are a foreign company, you can prove a link to Ireland by: - Providing evidence to show that you are either currently trading with or providing a service to Irish customers. The evidence could be an invoice from an Irish company, marketing material aimed at the Irish market, or a solicitor or accountant’s letter confirming your current or future trade with Ireland. - Providing evidence to show that you will be relocating to Ireland in the near future. - Holding a Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland or EU Community registered trademark.

This information was obtained from

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