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Where can I find online networks for meeting local people for business bootstrapping?

I am aware of and attend some meet ups for business and entrepreneurism however, I would like to network online with fellow people who have some similar interest as me in bootstrapping a business, using lean techniques, digital tech etc.

I find it difficult to find channels that relate to me, in the sense that maybe I find a website that allows you to meet other entrepreneurs but most of them are based in Silicon Valley.
You start to get the impression that it is an insider network as opposed to an open one.

Answer 9284

As far as meeting people in person, this will greatly depend on where you are geographically. I might suggest looking for a common CoWorking space, most are filled with ambitious entrepreneurs to interact with.

But as for digital channels there are a few different ones you can check out...

Note: some of these cost money to join, this is to make sure the channels are only for people who are serious about startups, fewer window shoppers.

#startup Slack Group

This is a very large group with dozens of different channels to join on different topics and different geographic areas. I believe it cost $25 to join but this is run by the startup foundation and it is very legit!

Check out #startup

Startup Study Group Slack

This group is free to join as far as I know. Great group with lots of members and channels.

Apply for the group at SSG Slack Group

Side Note: if you are not already using Slack, then my only advice is to start using Slack!

Good luck to you!

Answer 9756

is the most promising online group I’ve seen to date. you actually need to “apply” and then others in your personal network vouch for you as an entrepreneur.

The quality of the members online is pretty high.

Answer 9220

Well , this is very difficult , due to several factors ranging from geographic location to the financial and educational availability in an area . But consider that the statistics show that young people are more willing to undertake. Use this to your advantage . Ride a meetup, a group on facebook , disclose colleges . That is, above all , show . Take the first step . Strengthen the ecosystem through their actions .

Answer 9227

I think networking is done better offline. There is too much noise online for this sort of thing. Save up some money, take a trip to Silicon Valley, and spend your time attending meet-ups. You might then be able to further develop those already-established relationships online.

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