Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Startup name based on domain name

I have already purchased a domain name as and now I am confused about naming my startup based on this domain name.
I have purchased this domain for 10 years and at low cost so want to utilize it. I am planning to provide software services like website building, web automation solutions, put in information about various open source software, etc. I had following names in my mind but still not sure which to use.

  1. Web Global Software Information
  2. Web Glory Software Informers
  3. Web Global Services
  4. Web Global Software

I also want to use shortcut as WebGLS for this startup if possible. So wanted some suggestions in this regard.
What could be a better bet ?
Option 1/2/3/4 or something else or sell domain (but who will purchase?) All confusions!

Answer 9117

In my opinion, your domain name or company name won’t impact the success of your business one way or the other.

You have zero brand recognition and the type of business you describe is not a brand-dependent sector. Your success will come from personal contacts, referrals, search engines (and SEO) and potentially web advertising. None of these requires the user to know your brand. Hopefully, you will provide links for those potentially interested in your business to land on your web site. Then engage the user from there.

So what you already have should be sufficient for your purpose. I wouldn’t stress too much over the domain or company name. I would, instead, focus that energy and brainpower on maximizing to your customers the value of your products, services and solutions you deliver.

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