Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Maintenance services website

I want to start a website that technicians in any field (electricity, gardening, plumbing, etc) can submit and people depend on their needs to technicians can browse any field and choose their desired technician that help them. but I have some problems and I need experts help me to solve them:

When a technician goes to a client house and finishes his tasks there, how I can find out how much money he’s earned that I demand my percent from him?

Answer 9035

how I can find out how much money he’s earned that I demand my percent from him?

You have to set pre-defined prices for their services, when booked through your site, if you are expecting a brokerage amount.

Else, there is no way you can learn how much they earned. Even if they tell you how much they earned, there is a very high probability of lying, as they need to pay a certain %age from the amount as your brokerage.

It is also good to have pre-defined prices on your site to curb overcharging by the technicians, thus affecting customer satisfaction and trust.

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