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Self employed or starting company for iOS + Android app

I’m wrapping up on production of game that I have been working on for ios and android, within it there is an option to make purchases that will be handled by apple store or play store depending on the platform, I than have options to withdraw the money, hence the question.

Should I withdraw to my personal account and declare earnings at the end of financial year or set up a company with business account and manage these operations through it?
This will be first in my experience and I wanted to see what advantages and disadvantages one option has over the other.

Answer 9014

Start with the first option, then switch to the second.

I’ve had some unnecessary expenses to set up a company in Europe, which was quite expensive, before having the proof, or traction proving that our project would be as profitable as expected.

I still regret that mistake three years later. Independently from app development experience, if it is possible for you to switch later I would advise that.

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