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How often do I need to show terms and conditions to customers?

I am co-founding a UK startup and don’t know what I’m doing regarding terms and conditions. Advice online for startups is mostly poor. I have customers who will create an account on the website and app and will (hopefully) make repeat purchases of my product.

My question is how often do I really need to show the terms and conditions to my users and get their agreement on terms and conditions? Similar companies ask the customer each time they make a purchase which seems excessive to me given that the terms and conditions will be the same each time. Is it possible/reasonable for me to get our customers to agree the terms and conditions once and then not need to show them the terms again? (Provided I notify them of any changes to the terms and conditions)


Answer 8767

Theres nothing wrong with a tick box before every transaction

You say this may be too often, but in my opinion this is the best way to cover yourself of liability in most if not all cases.

Yes, you could ask them to accept the terms and conditions once upon activation of their account or first purchase. However if you do this, you should also send them the usual e-mail receipt with a “Terms and Conditions Apply”.

There really isn’t a good reason not to require an acknowledgement of terms and conditions with every transaction. It will keep you secure in the knowledge that all the relevant and legal information is passed on to your customers, regardless of if they actually read it. I’m not sure what business you are in but I know when I make large purchases online I always tick the box each time.

Its not excessive, and takes possibly a second out of your customer’s day.

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