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What are the most important things to do before starting up a start up business?

I’ve been working on a mobile application and a simple server, I’m putting the whole system together, but I have no idea of what I need to do before starting a business ( Bureaucratic stuff ) , I just got out of high school, so everything is kind of new when talking about businesses and taxes. That said, May you guys provide a list that could help me to get started, or just some major heads-ups?

Info that may be useful:

I’m 19 years old
I’m in Hartford, CT, US
I want to start an IT company with focus on web development
It’s currently just me on this business, but I’m open to have partners on this

Answer 8753

It sounds daunting, but it is not. Depending on where you are in the US, the costs can vary. Don’t shoot down something because of expense…

A question I previously answered for one of your fellow countrymen might help… and read points 1,2,3,6 and consider 7. Relationships that you make now will help you later - there are different levels of success… your app might not make you a million bucks, but it might bring you to another company that helps you make two million.

Best of luck!

Answer 8771

I think the best way is get some experience first. Starting a startup is easy, keep it alive and growing up is much harder. Go out and seek for a company that you wanna become, apply a position and work there, look how they run their business, how they solve problems, what they do good and what they handle are bad so you can avoid in future.

In 1-2 years, you could have some experience to run your own. When you fail, repeat.

I’ve worked in small design agency, know everything, but when I open my own studio, I failed twice. I started 2 startups, failed all of them.

I’m now working to prepare for another startup.

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