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Gain revenue from Bizspark Plus

My small company just got an offer to join Bizspark Plus, which gives $10,000 to use monthly on azure, that’s great because most of our work is based on azure, but is more than what really need at the moment, is there a way to resell from azure, for example reselling virtual machines, storage or databases?

I was thinking that creating a website and advertising for that online, but I am not sure a want to be a hosting company, is there any other ideas, or examples you know of anyone got the same offer?

Answer 9085

We are MS partners in the BI competancy and also have an action pack, which is a separate cost/set of licenses.

You should check the lisence conditions of the $10,000/mth on Azure, as it will be sure to have some restrictions on it, the likely one is that it cant be used for production/client systems, only demo/development/support. We have a similar thing but only $150/month. If you find there are no such restrictions, you should definitely advertise it, as it will be worth something on the open market! It would be interesting to know what the restrictions are.

As a way to gain value from it, you could try forming a partnership with another company that you could work on joint projects, with you providing the Azure license and they provide something else?

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