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iPhone App name

My app will be fully developed in April not taking into account which bugs will be found on the way. I am starting to advertise and create a fan following on Facebook under the company’s name and not the actual app name. The app name would be more attractive when marketing online and in-person rather than they long company name.

The idea is to launch on the iphone platform than on the android. I don’t want someone else to steal the name for something else or for a different platform.

Should I worry about that or just start using the actual app name for pre launch marketing?

Let me know what everyone thinks.

Answer 8603

Why not do as they suggest in this post from the other day?

In this post, they suggest you simply create a “hello world” app with your app name in the android store while you flush out the actual app. Make a cool COMING SOON animation and people will download it an salivate waiting for your real app to arrive.

You could even turn that process on its head, and REWARD people who download the “coming soon” app with some kind of in-game bonus when the real game arrives.

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