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How to figure out whether there’s any interest in my project?

A few months ago I developed a program which is capable to interact with WhatsApp.
It’s already used by one enterprise (a WhatsApp Newsletter Service)
which has many popular german customers.

I designed it to act like a user to reduce the risk of a ban (until now 2 of about 650).
The quality is shown by an event of the past.
Two competitors were forced to fusion with my customer
as they got many problems resulted by the WhatsApp API which is published on Github.

My API allows you to do the following things:

Now I want to ask you if there’s any interest to use my program though an API.
What do you think is the value of this service?

Answer 8533

In my opinion, your service is good however it is not my opinion what counts. You should try spreading the word of your service(e.g. advertising) and if you have reached many people, however you still do not have many users than clearly no one really values your project. If this is the case, try doing a Q&A and ask people why our why would not they use your service, this way you will know what people really want.

Answer 8580

Who will benefit? Why will they benefit?

When you know the answer to these two questions, you’ll then be able to answer if there is any benefit to having an API or not.

If you do not know the answers to the questions try asking one of your 650 existing customers why they use your service - that should nudge you towards having an API or not.

Answer 8801

If WhatsApp don’t provide API of their own, they probably restrict use of such methods in their terms of service as mentioned in comments.

The fact that it is restricted, makes it worth nothing as business case; As a personal project / showcase it could promote your engineering skills.

Answer 8839

I like the idea of spreading your service idea. For this the easiest way to do it and collect some feedback it could be to create Landing Page and start to promote this page with the message that product is under go.

There are some popular platforms like: LaunchRock, Unbounce, Kickofflabs so you can try and see how it works.

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