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Collision Conf ALPHA class of 2016?

Applied to Collision Conf, had a phone interview and a few days later received an email saying - congrats, we selected your startup to be in Collision Conf ALPHA class.

It all looks legit except the ticket costs $2000. Being a month old self-funded startup, we definitely can’t just throw two grant left and right.

Did anyone have a solid experience with this Collision Conf, what exactly is ALPHA class, how valuable is it and what will we miss if we won’t go this time? Thank you!

Answer 8412

A little bit of web search might help you decide.

It is quite easy to find people who are upset at "pay to pitch" that is one way to describe Collision Conf's business model. This article from Business Insider has collected some discussion from people for whom this clearly does not work, and Collision Conf is included: (and the follow-up article) One thing to take note of is how this article claims that selection process for the reduced fee works in practice - though no doubt the Collision Conf staff do their best to find the most promising startups to make these offers to, it does seem that willingness to pay is one of the limiting factors, not necessarily business quality, and the example emails from CC look quite formulaic . . .

On the other hand, it seems to work for at least one person, who got to do some networking that he clearly felt was worth the cost: This is an interesting article which may help give you the flavour of the event, with statements like

Investors and journalists complained about being accosted. Being hunted and pitched by desperate founders. Some standing right outside the investor lounge ready for that chance encounter.

However, that blogger's experience otherwise seemed very positive. It probably depends a lot on personality and expectations going in.

Disclaimer: Although I do work for a company in startup, I am not involved in discussions with investors, and have no direct experience, just enough interest to research an answer.

Answer 8407

like you I also selected for the Alpha Rise 2016 but that is in Hong-long and currently I am also dealing with the same issue. But it will be highly worth full as you will meet investors and potential advisors who may not do anything regarding money but they will be good connections. Give some more details how long alpha, etc. I have many friends who got experienced in this field. as my start-up advisor, he is ex-Facebook, marketing giant-he is really helping fuel.

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