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Registering A Business For A Minor (Under 16)

I have recently started making a business to earn some money and was looking through the legal implications before I launch the business , however , I was looking at the HMRC website for registering as a sole trader and it says I need a National Insurance Number (Found Here):

To become a sole trader you must: have a National Insurance number register for self-assessment with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) trade under your own name or choose a business name

However I am a minor (under 16) so I thought maybe my dad could register and I could operate the business. I have looked through the HMRC website and can’t see anything about it. Is this legal? And if it is; What do I do about taxes?

Answer 12553

A few thoughts, prefixed with ... I am not a solicitor, or accountant, but have experience of starting and running small companies ... please get some legal advice to confirm or deny this.

Good luck!

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