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What’s a Decent Developer Wage for a Startup?

I have a startup in LA. We are looking to hire an iOS developer who works in our office. We’re not sure what to pay as a wage. We’re also willing to give interested that’s vested over a 5 year period.

What would be a decent wage to give to the developer joining our small startup and potentially interest?

Answer 8370

It wholly depends on how experienced and/or gullible your developer is.

In a best/worst case scenario you’ll end up with a cofounder or someone experienced who will ask for what he or she is worth (I’d gather $10k+/mo in your area). In a worst/best case scenario you’ll find someone with no business sense who will drink the kool aid and accept to work for peanuts in exchange for “maybe make it big down the road”. Which you prefer depends on the type of person you like to work with.

For specific figures, look into angelist as already suggested in the comments, or glassdoor.

Answer 8382

I’d suggest looking at Glassdoor in your area for the title/role you are looking to fill. Here are the results for “ios developer” in Los Angeles, CA:,11_IM508_KO12,25.htm

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