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What’s the best thing that you can do to beat out a competitor that copies everything you do?

Sometimes it’s major features and sometimes it’s little things like our email copy. Much of it is blatant copying and it is making it more difficult to standout.

Whomever said that imitation is the highest form of flattery was probably the guy who was doing the imitation.

Answer 8353

There are other forms to stand out than technical features.

What if you were in the opposite side of the table, having to copy cat in order to become relevant?

This subject is addressed in a book called BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY.

You have plenty of options that could be innovative and hardly difficult to follow, like culture innovation (making yours employees working harder and smarter than theirs employees), financial innovation (investing money in areas that give you huge advantages) or even business/strategy innovation addressing your customers in an unprecedent and pleasant way.

So think more widely trying to figure out how your business can be better than theirs and suddenly their product will become irrelevant no matter how similar it is to yours.

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