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Search for professional writing services in startup work life

Here is the rundown of the current situation.

The founder and CEO of a tech startup, as would be expected, spends almost all of his time working on the product and other aspects of the business. Over time, there has been an increasing amount of writing that needs to be done for the business (Reports, long emails, etc.). These things are taking up too much of the founders time, from writing to proof-reading and formatting. However, these things have to get done.

The question:

Can anyone recommend some professional writing services? A place where an outline or rough copy of a document can be sent and (for a price) they will write it in a professional manner.

I can remember seeing a service that would do this and charge more based on how long the document was and how fast it was needed but I cannot seem to find the link for it. Any guidance would be very much appreciated.


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