Startups Stack Exchange Archive

How to give proper name of mobile application for startup?

We are planning to start our company with one idea, so problem we are facing is should we go with name which give brief of our idea or go with some out of box name, so which should be effective more that I need to understand.

Answer 8228

If you’ve got a brief name and an available domain name available already, use that. However if all you’ve got at this stage is an idea, it probably matter less what you name your company. When you’ve got a product close to launchable and/or you need to drum up attention from customers you need to try to optimize the product name and positioning. When/if you’ve got a hit, you might want to capitalize on the recognition/brand you are able to create with your product, and you will always have the option to rename your company name to something easily associated with the product (this happens all the time). But if you’re early stage, don’t worry about the company name yet. Get the product ready, then worry about how to name it so that your customers can easily remember it.

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