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Getting Funding For Your Project

I have a business idea that I believe will do really well. Instead of pitching the idea, I want to pitch the business side of it. This is what I think investors want to see. Let me know if I’m the right track.

If I’m missing anything please let me know. If I were investing anyways I would want to see these factors… even more than the idea (whatever it may be).

Note: The advantage to traditional funding would be the expertise that could be provided by the investor and since my particular business idea is more targeted at business to business I’m not sure it would work in a crowd funded scenario, not sure what I could offer the average person. I have to think it out further. Traditional investors could also offer the capital I need then in this case to expand further, through advertising, hiring staff etc.

Answer 8389

More than anything, they want to see the real product!

No need to be a fully completed and working version, but at least the MVP - Minimum Viable Product.


No matter how good it is.

If you want more details on that subject, i.e.: How to get funding, please refer to other questions, like this one: Looking for true investors

So, what to do then if you have a really good idea?

I'd suggest you to do one of those two things:

1. Develop the product yourself (MVP)

2. Find a technical partner to develop it for you (you know: 50% equity, no salary)

Regardless of the option you choose, you'll have some homework to do.

P.S.: Don't put so much expectation on the quality of advise you would get from investors. Only a few percentage of them will really pay attention to your business (even if they have invested a huge amount of money on it).

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