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Home improvement start up

I have a home improvement business and I’m trying to take it to the next level. I have local clients that support me and give me referral business. If there are any tips or models I can follow it would be very helpful.

Answer 8153

I have some experience of these kind of businesses actually. The answer is PR!

Not sure what country you are in, but look up ‘Pimlico Plumbers’ in London. They have made a massive business without advertising. Get your website together, add regular case studies. Make sure your site mentions the areas where you work a lot so it shows up in results. Write a press release saying how you are pushing your business forward with a photo of you in front of your van and send it to all of the local newspapers, newsletters etc. Never miss an opportunity to do this. When you buy a new van write a story about it with the van dealer ‘local business chooses local van dealer’. When you tak on an apprentice, ‘local firm creates jobs’. Journalists are lazy, they love a preprepared story.

Get on Twitter. Use your real name and link to your website. Search for things like ‘having trouble finding a good builder’ and reply to them with some help.

Last one never ever forget to call back or keep a meeting. This matters to busy people more than price

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