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Mobile app help

I am creating app that I hope one day will be home to a few thousand or more users! I think it is a pretty good idea and the people I have spoke with said that is something they would love to use.

I am the only developer working on it and my knowledge of programming is still minimal as I teach myself as I go but am in need of some extra help. The issue i’m running into are my funds. I was curious to see if anybody knows of a place where people are willing to help for free and get a chunk of equity out of the company one it is formed.

I realize that it is a risk for them but eventually it could pay off. I know a lot of people do not want to take a risk such as that and waste their time but it is something I am struggling with. I know a lot of people are eager to join the next big startup but since none of my buddies are majoring in CS or have any knowledge of programming i’m a bit stuck. Any suggestions/advice?

Answer 8161

There’s MakerHunt:

This costs something but it still helps:

And then there’s GitHub, stackoverflow, Code Mentor, StackExchange Startups, tutorials, and a bunch of other places where you can learn coding and bits and pieces for what you need to do.

Hope that helps.

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