Startups Stack Exchange Archive

How do I find suppliers for my business?

I am planning on producing a product and starting a small tech startup but, I am unsure how to find suppliers for certain parts that I will need in mass quantity; for electronics, ceramics, or metals, that are already designed. What would something like this cost, and how do I find suppliers?

Answer 8144

What would something like this cost, and how do I find suppliers?

Cost depends on the goods.

To find suppliers, the usual way is to do some googling, send emails, pick up your telephone, go to trade shows, etc. Ask vendors for suggestions as you do, and a tip or three will eventually get you to the right people.

Once you’re there, use google to find their competitors using “Foo vs” types of queries.

Answer 8182

Start looking (searching) for industrial suppliers in each area - to get you started, you can try places like ThomasNet (a supplier ‘phonebook’), Design2Part (they have a good industry address book by category), and then of course online searches - electronics places like DigiKey are popular, metals are typically better finding a local supplier.

Then you can always find a contract manufacturer (using internet search, Design2Part, etc) - be prepared with drawings, specifications, TOLERANCES, etc. … or they won’t take you seriously and can be a bit abrupt. Sometimes a local product design firm can help you (find in phonebook, inventor meetup / incubator, chamber of commerce, internet search, etc).

Like Denis said … you haven’t given anywhere near enough info to begin even getting a ballpark idea on cost.

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