Startups Stack Exchange Archive

When searching for a site sometimes you will find the site has links grouped under the sites main link. ex news, about us, and much more. How is this setup? How can a person setting up a site for there business to get this same link grouping setup.

Is this something that the site owner can set for each link they want listed or is this something google is doing without any settings made by the owner of the site? Also is there a name for this process of grouping the links under the main sites link? Do you have to pay for this link grouping service?

Answer 8136

They’re called site links by Google, and currently automated. You can’t set them up yourself. Your site will need to be the number 1 search result, and be considered by Google to be useful to you as a user for your query. This means you’ve probably got a lot of back links to your site and the site has been around for a long time, gets a lot of organic (search click through) traffic. Make it easy for Google to understand your site by providing good alt text on internal links, and site structure etc.

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