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How to improve from 500 downloads a day?

My free app on the ios app store averages 500 downloads (organic) a day for over a month. I have about 25k downloads so far. I didn’t do any marketing yet. Where to go from here? I want to increase the number of downloads.

Answer 8037

Contact blogs and write to them about that. That’s big news. Not a lot of apps have that type of growth.

  1. Read Trust Me I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday to learn how to work around blogs and how to get your product out there more.

  2. TEST TEST TEST. Do AB testing, and see which functions improve the retention rate or the vitality rate. Think about functions that can promote growth and then test them out. Speak to users as well. Send out a survey and ask users how to improve the UX.

  3. Post on ProductHunt (or get familiar with the community to get an invite to post).

  4. With all this (media attention through blogs, better UX and stronger growth metrics) investors will approach you or you will find investors much easier.

  5. Blogs: All you have to do is pick 3 tech blogs that are relatively well known (not TechCrunch, smaller (you’ll learn why in the book)) and send them an email saying that you have 500 downloads per day organically, what your app does, and what the vision is. They all want to hear something compelling and something that people will read. (Journalists get paid based on the # of page views so they need something WOW to get people to read it.)

Start with the book I’m recommending and invest all your time in improving the overall UX!

Answer 8049

I agree, that promo is necessary.

Blogs, popular social networks, like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter should be taken in account.

And there are 2 ways - work with you own site and do the same activity as a guest blogger.

Pay more attention to SEO and content. Work out each of the publications according to SEO-demands (with reach snippet, proper keywords, etc.) and do not forget about interesting intro, attractable pictures, call to action and some benefits for the users, which should be placed in every post, and you will get the results quicker).

Here are relevant advises from SEO-guru Brian Dean:

Next point is a price policy: have you done the competitors research and work out the relevant prices? If so - add a bonus to your current clients for inviting new visitors.

Check here, could you add some ideas from the list to your app promotion strategy.

Answer 8062

Well, there is a lot of ways you can achieve such target most of can be "Paid" so you can get a huge exposure of your app like big companies do.

I suggest you read this article about: 8 Tips To Increase Downloads for Your App here:

Answer 8090

Have you considered porting it to android as well? More users, but ones who are not as familiar with paying for stuff. Perhaps you could consider a free and premium (ad free perhaps) version.

Looks like you are getting good results. I agree with a lot above except I don’t really like AB testing unless you have huge sample sizes you can put it out to. Also remember to do control tests where A and B are identical…

Some of the apps that last are those that have a strong community. Have you got a website where users can discuss it on a forum, or suggest features?

Having a second app out there will help by itself of course

Answer 8204

Nice App! Before or while you work on campaign for your app, it will be good to have a website landing page. The page that been link from the iTunes store is very basic and need to be update.

Good luck, Mar

Answer 8166

Disclaimer, I work for

If you haven’t done it already, app store optimization is the first thing to do, especially before starting to spend advertising money. There are different aspects of App Store Optimization (e.g. app name, keyword spot for App Store, app icon, description, app screenshots).

There are various tools in the market, such as App Annie and Sensor Tower, but I like our solution better for a few reasons:

I hope this information was helpful for you.

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