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Is this mobile cloud point of sale system ready for launch in India?

I am starting up with an android point of sale application which is cloud based. I am tracking sales, stock, customers, purchases, payrolls. I am showing graphs per week for all of these. I have asked few customers if they want it. I found that all of them needed slight changes. But I don’t want to depend on them for decision making of launching the product. Will the product be used in market? Entering data is lengthy process in mobile cloud point of sale application. I am trying hard to ease the data entry for the app, for example sales entry. Is there any way to make sure that people will use this app in the market? People don’t always say truth when doing market research.

Answer 8012

Market testing helps you discover things that confuse your user or functionality gaps. You are correct, though, that it really won’t tell you whether a product is really ready for launch and whether people will really use it.

To see if people will actually use it, try a public beta. You can offer the product for free to anyone that will commit to using it for a few months or a year. If they won’t use it for free, you need to go back to the drawing board. If they are telling everyone else about their new free tool, you might have a winner.

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