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Can A Business Make Interest Income With Short Term Money

I’ve realized that my business may have large sums of money for short periods of time, say 30-90 days at most. I’d like to take advantage of that if I can.

Can a business make interest income with short term money?

Answer 802

Yes, it's very common for businesses earn interest on assets over relatively short periods.

That said, I don't think a single answer would cover all the options available, in part because the solution selected would depend on your situation. For example, as I mentioned, I ran across this service when doing due diligence for an idea based on the same concept; I have zero affiliation with the entity that owns this service.

Further, in my opinion, finding an okay solution might be fairly easy to do, but finding the great solution will be very time consuming if your needs don't exactly match the profile of the service.

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