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How does acquiring US companies with international founders?

Lets say Google wants to acquire a Delaware company founded by people from another country without a work visa. Usually the founders need to work a couple of years after the acquisition. How does that process work?

Answer 8340

I agree with the answers given here. One of my friends’ startup got acquired by a US company. These are the two options which he was given:

  1. Remote Working: He can work from his home/office in India. But, the company wasn’t really keen with this option, as he is now holding an important position in the company, after acquisition.
  2. Work in the US: He can work from the HQ of the company which acquired his startup. They were very keen about this option. So, they gave nice Visa assistance to him, so the process went pretty smoothly (along with the work permit).

He can also opt to take his share and walk out of the deal after selling the company too. (Not a great idea, unless you are in the board of another unicorn and would be taking charge of a very important team there.)

Answer 8338

Founders should work from home/abroad, consulting agreement with “Google” for the handover period.

Answer 8339

One option is working from remote. Another is to work in the US: as successful entrepreneurs, and with the help of Google’s immigration attorneys, they’ll have a rather solid chance to get a Visa and a work permit.

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