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How many times youtube displays video ads per day?

I want to start a website.For that I want to advertise in youtube. So I decided to give ad in video format.When creating the ad youtube is asking to pay 653.78INR(indian rupees) which is 10USD(us dollars).Is it rate per thousand views?Does youtube display our video ad 1000 times or more or less for 10USD?

Answer 7675

The cost for ads on Youtube (= Google AdWords video) is not fixed. This all works similar to an auction: You yourself decide how much you are willing to pay per video interaction and then Google / Youtube decides whether it makes sense to show your video or another video. The decision of Google / Youtube will depend on who is willing to pay more and whether your ad tags match with what the user is looking for.

If you pay 10 USD for Youtube ads, then at first this means just adding 10 USD to your ad account. Then later after displaying your ads, the money on your account will be reduced. Typical video costs range from 6 cents to 30 cents. It’s maybe best if you start low and check how often your ad is displayed and increase the value as necessary for your campaign, depending on your budget and on how often you want to advertise.

I strongly recommend the following two sites:

Also note the difference between “TrueView in-stream ads” and “TrueView in-display ads” and think about which one actually makes more sense for your campaign.

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