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How can I find co-founder with software developing experience?

I have a very good idea and want to start my own business. But I’m not engineer guy( my major is business, I got MBA degree). Now I am looking for a software developer who has experience at least 5 years as co-founder to start a new business. How can I find him or her?

Answer 7660

The question is good, but very hard to answer. Here’s my attempt:

I would lean towards looking for developers in your local area. Why local? Because when your partner should be a co-founder, you really need to work face-to-face since there are so many decisions you as business owners have to make over time.

So the question is where to find local developers? The answer is pretty simply: everywhere they tend to hang out together. For example

And if you’ve found those places the next question is how you can convince a developer to become part of your startup? At least you should give a thought on not hiring a CTO as a co-founder but just outsource development. Maybe you can find an experienced developer as a CTO-for-rent that takes a look at the development on demand.

Answer 7659 is a good site for this.

Answer 7692

Along with, as mentioned earlier, you can also check out:, they will list people wishing to be co-founders, near you.

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