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Would a name as simple as Apple still work as a company name these days?

Apple was named that way because it was just simple. No special meaning (as far as I’m aware). Of course, back then, it would’ve been hard to promote a name like that as well, but would it be impossible now? Due to all the SEO that comes with it nowadays, I imagine it would.

Naturally they were used to be known as Apple Computer, so would that make a significant difference?

Answer 7960

When naming a business I try to keep the following things in mind…

  1. Originality - Make sure that no other big companies use your name, especially companies in your “space”.

  2. Short/Catchy - You want to make sure your name is short and catchy and does not have any really strange spelling that will hide our in terms of search. Ex. “Bigrrr” is catchy but google will likely always correct it to Bigger and ruin your day.

  3. Domain Availability - Look up all domains available for that name. Ideally you want but in some cases will work. Use a site like

When it comes to a short name working or not I think that as long as all of these aspects of a name are taken into consideration then your short name should work just fine, but I wouldn’t sacrifice everything else for a short name.

Remember: a name can always be changed, and a domain can always be purchased (if you have the coins).

Answer 7671

If you are building a good business with a good product then SEO will come organically. People will talk about your product or service and it will gain authority.

That being said, yes, it would definitely work now. Simple is simply better. Uber, Twitter, Jet. These are all simple names that were chosen with no thought of SEO in mind. They were great ideas and, for that reason, people spoke of them and they they gained authority I’m the search engines.

Answer 7661

Apple is certainly not a business that relies on SEO. It’s a brand and therefore I imagine Apple does other marketing stuff.

I can’t see a reason why a simple name should not work nowadays. One important reason I could think of that might prevent success is that you can’t get the proper domain name anymore.

As far as I know domains for most common words and terms are grabbed. But for example Rob Walling’s SaaS called Drip simply used because was already owned by someone else.

Answer 7965

I think the founder of Apple not yet considering about SEO. But if you consider about SEO this day there are many domain you can choose. Not only (dot)com but also thera are many domains, like (dot)io, (dot)me, and so on. Hope can help you.

Answer 7656

Not sure, but I think you search for the term and theory of "genericization" or "Generic Trademarks"

Of course, it is still possible that some names get some kind of comon noun. But to accomplish that there is a lot of money involved. I personally think it's nearly impossible to do this on purpose, but you can rise probabilities.

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