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Starting a web-service without knowledge

I want to start an VPN company, but I don’t have the time and knowledge to the coding and server administration, and I don’t know anyone technical person to do this with me, and I would never trust my time and money to a random person on internet. I tried to the server admin part by myself, but I would need months of real education somewhere to be ready to admin a real server.

I’m already building a website on wix, and prototype on and so on, I did a business plan and etc.

I have evaluated that i need to follow this steps to get my company kicking.

Am I missing something here ? My doubts is how many system admins I need? And how I’m ensure that they are not cheating or stealing me ? Or doing good work ?

As my company hopefully grow, I will be able to hire more people to manage this technical details, while i take care of expanding my servers marketing and etc.

Answer 8003

I don’t want to rain on your parade, but there are many glaring holes in the plan you outlined.

I want to start an VPN company

I am going to be brutally honest. It doesn’t matter what YOU want, it only matters what the customers want. Have you validated that there is a need for this? Is there a major problem with the current VPN services that multiple customers have told you about during customer interviews? Building a business because it is what YOU want is the first step towards failure unless the market really wants it as well.

I don’t have the time and knowledge to the coding and server administration, and I don’t know anyone technical person to do this with me

This is a big red flag. If this is going to be your business then it is all going to be on your shoulders, you will be responsible for managing all aspects of the business and without technical knowledge this will be a constant uphill battle. A battle that you will likely lose (due to the reasons you listed in your post).

My advice would be to step back and look at this idea again. Read The Lean Startup and Running Lean (if you haven’t already) and then forget about your current questions and take the time to validate the idea and find problem-solution fit before thinking about anything technical.

I hope this was not too blunt. All the best of luck.


Answer 7708

You are ripe for failure. You have posed one of the right questions “How do you know that everyone you hire who has the requisite knowledge won’t rip you off”. You probably wouldn’t know till too late. In your business plan, do you have realistic costs for each step? Since there is a broad range of costs in each step you mentioned, how have you determined the most realistic cost? For a successful startup, someone needs to monitor everything. Are you going to be that person? Do you have enough knowledge to be that person? If you are going to go ahead no matter what, I would at least start on a small scale and grow as you can afford to considering risk and uncertainties.

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