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What should I do with my tuition teacher finding idea?

I have a startup idea to start a tuition teacher finding website in Pakistan. After doing the research I have found out that some people are doing this but people aren’t using their solution. After doing research of international level, I realized that none of the tuition teacher finding website drive enough traffic that it should be called a successful business. What should I do with my idea?

Answer 7602

The problem is not with the idea(atleast for now). The problem is the execution, the way people execute the idea and put it forward.

Getting those first customers is very crucial, and provides a base for acquiring more dedicated users and getting that hockey stick curve growth.

Firstly, identify your target customers(and create your buyer personas). Take input from them, talk to them and interact with them.

During the beginning, build as many (Minimum Viable (Marketing)Campaigns)MVC as possible. Test them, iterate on them and take decisions, and then repeat from the create part again.

Some examples of such campaigns are the dropbox referral system, Airbnb's growth hack. None of them have been successful after a single attempt. they created campaigns, tested them, iterated on them, and then tested them again.

Delight your first few customers. Make them love the product, so much that they can refer it to their acquaintances.

I realized that none of the tuition teacher finding website drives enough traffic that it should be called a successful business.

Yes, there are hundreds of failed products out there which the world does not know, but the world knows only those which are successful, and the aim of successful marketing and growth hacking is to become that one product/company.

And growth is very difficult. But, if done right, can make you that one company which I was talking about, in the previous paragraph.

After you have acquired your first few users, concentrate on your metrics, crunch their data, understand the metrics and your data and try to forecast(or predict). Strategize your campaigns with respect to those forecasts. Now, calculate the error on how you deviated from your forecasts(profit/loss).

Identify the problems which didn't work and hacks which worked. Re-iterate, and repeat.

The process is pretty much the same for any business.

Answer 7634

Your idea is limited to the tuition teachers as I can guess from your question. You can found many websites which are helping the peoples with different needs like finding the local experts near by them in different areas like language tuition, dance, cooking etc.

Your idea will rock don’t worry it will need some extra efforts from your side. First collect the data how many tuition’s teachers are interested in your idea. If you found the marginal set of tuition teachers/Owners then develop a simple website and start with that. Check the response from the peoples and try to improve the marketing and reach out the people as many as you can.

Answer 7601

You have two options at this point:

  1. Figure out why those websites aren’t driving enough traffic.


  1. Find another idea.

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