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Two or more people share the CEOship(?)

Is it possible that several people share the CEO title of a new company? For example, three people at the same time are the CEO.

If yes, what the title for each person would be in communications? A “shared CEO”?! Or what?

Answer 7592

Yes, it is possible. But, it is not at all recommended.

Instead, you can have a COO (Chief Operational Officer), or a CFO(Chief Financial Officer).

And if he takes care of the technical side of things, call him a CTO(Chief Technical Officer).

If the other person is on the non-tech side of things, then COO is the most preferable title.

Answer 7611

Yes. And for years, Blackberry had two CEOs. Both of these CEOs had different focus which didn’t overlap. Under the original organization, Mike Lazardis oversaw technical functions, while Jim Balsillie oversaw sales/marketing functions.

Whether this is recommended or not is another matter.

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