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How to prove the number of interested people in our start up?

We are launching a small start up and have found some investors to fund our idea. We have everything ready, however the investors said that they would only invest if we can come up with some numbers of how many people are actually interested in this.

My question is: How should we approach this? How can we see how many people will be interested once the company launches?

I guess it’s not facebook page likes what they are looking for. Or is it?

Answer 7586

One option is to add the “Add me to the exclusive beta list” kind of button, which helps you gauge how many users are interested in your product.

Notify me button on the landing page of a yet-to-be-released product would also do the trick.

In addition, startups also have a form which they use to get more details from those wannabe users(mostly demographic), so that they can strategize their marketing better, and build their user personas more accurately and early.

Answer 7587

Find your early adopters. People who have the highest willingness to buy/use your product. Discribe them and find a way to get intouch with them. (Forums, on the street, where they work etc.)

Prepare some questions for them and find their driving factors. Why do they want your product etc. Mostly you will do interviews and speak with these people personally.(By now you should have defined your product, opportunities, threats, strength and weaknesses etc)

Now to find people you have to do the following:

Prepare an annonymus survey for every possible customer segment you think you could reach with your product. The question you ask depend on the answers of the interviews.

Distribute the survey as broad as possible. Try to set incentives to get people to do your survey (amazon coupon?). Don’t forget to ask the questions mentiond in the previous answer: do you want to stay notified? Would you want to have something like my product?

The numbers need to be quite high 2000 people of your target audience at least. If 3-7% say: “hell yeah, give mit that” you are one the right track.

Be aware: this method only works with the end consumer. It ‘s quite tough to find the right strategy for different ideas. But maybe this one helps.

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