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when to leave/when to persist on an Idea?

I have done several projects for myself as a entrepreneur which lead to business failures. Looking backward, besides economic conditions of society around me, I feel that I have astonished with new ideas in the middle of previous ideas, and left the old ones and started the new inspiring one. I don’t know how to get focused at one till it becomes successful. When is it right to leave one idea / project if it has no good results.

Answer 7541

The decision to go forward or change courses should never be made alone. You should always confer with you partners, employees and customers. If you have no partners or employees, try to get a few. If you can’t find anyone that wants to help you after talking to at least 100 people, try a new idea. If you find enough people interested, and they are so excited that plan to go on without you, stick to it. :)

If you are in the middle and only have a few people that are mildly interested in working with you. Ask your customers. If you don’t have any customers, start selling. Tell them you need a small deposit and you will deliver on a certain date. If you get enough sales to cover cost of product and your cost of living, keep going. If not, return the deposits, and try a different idea.

An idea is not a business idea until you have committed buyers and suppliers.

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