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Are 3 flavors enough for frozen food products business & any viable alternatives to supermarkets?

I’m a Canadian living in thailand and because of the political situation, times are tough now…so I’m looking for other ways to sell.

I sell in supermarkets, sales are down, so I want to sell to bars and hotels, but to reduce headaches only offer 3 very popular flavors.

Is that enough selection?

Any suggestions as to where to sell instead of supermarkets?

Answer 7463

It’s not the number of flavors that matters as much as the popularity of each one. One exceptionally popular product could be “enough” for a viable business. However, it sounds like you’ve already arrived at the conclusion that the “3 very popular flavors” you already have aren’t enough because your sales volume isn’t as high as you’d like it to be.

Try selling in crowded places where there is a high demand for the unspecified* kinds of frozen food products you’re selling.

(*) unspecified as of the time this answer is posted.

Answer 8236

Can you make a “scoopable” version of your ice cream? If so, you can potentially sell it to restaurants. I got this idea from the show “The Profit”. They did an episode on an ice cream company that sells pre-packaged boxes in bulk. Maybe it makes sense for you to look it up.

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