Startups Stack Exchange Archive

How to get mailing address of people with disability?

Is there a way to get mailing addresses of people with disability in US (even a city)? I am working on a MBA assignment that asks to market a product designed for people with disability - it could be visual impairment, wheelchair, autism etc.

Answer 7710

I doubt you can get that information legally now. HIPAA, the law granting privacy to health issues would prevent anyone from getting that information unless they are a member of a covered group which includes physicians and hospitals. Those that receive such information may not disclose it without the person’s permission. If someone has a list pre-HIPAA, then you can probably use that. That someone would more than likely would be a marketing company. To get it, you will probably have to pay for it. Another potential way of getting a list would be to sit outside a clinic or hospital and ask patients if they want to give you their address. I don’t think that would be very practical.

A better way to market your product would be to place a demo or sample at a clinic or hospital, with their permission, and have mail in cards for product information. That way you have direct interest group to follow up with. The more samples you place the larger interest group you get. Good luck on your project.

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