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As we all know many of the RSS links are free for everyone to show updates in site or app instead of using those RSS for Paid services . If I use large number of RSS links for 100% free service will it makes any issue. I’ve observed some apps they completely use RSS updates in their app like Flipboard and Newshunt. The startup idea is not fully based on RSS updates its a part in social networking concept. Usually I serve ads but not from the first day, so using RSS links will makes any legal issue?

Answer 7872

You are not likely to have legal issues as long as you do not claim any of the content as your own, and you do provide a link back to the source.

RSS was built with the hopes that people would share other people’s content. That link back to the original source of the content is a big deal though. Authors provide the RSS with the hopes that people who like the content will go to the original source to find more.

All content is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.