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What are the advantages of equity-based financing over debt-based options?

It seems like a no-brainer to me to take debt-based options over equity-based financing.

Is there an objective way to decide between the two? Furthermore, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Answer 733

It seems like a no-brainer to me to take debt-based options over equity-based financing.

You haven’t said why you consider debt to be more preferable than equity finance—but one presumes it is some combination of:

It’s also worth bearing in mind that lenders may demand a charge over business assets or even personal guarantees that may be called upon in the event of default; whereas shareholders usually accept that their investment is higher risk and are willing to write-off their losses in the event of failure.

Is there an objective way to decide between the two?

It is a trade-off between risk and return. There is no objective way to decide something that boils down to the personal risk appetites and cashflows of the shareholders involved: the exact same business could be entirely financed by equity (if backed by an investor with a low risk appetite but sufficient cash) or entirely by debt (if backed by an investor with a high risk appetite or insufficient cash).

In reality businesses tend to be financed by a mix of the two, according to the risk appetites and cash resources of the investors involved.

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