Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Finding startup developers

I am currently developing an app which I feel has potential to grow and thrive as it is original. I am still learning how to program but there is never a point where you know everything. Anyways, I need to bring aboard some people that know what they are doing and would be willing to take some equity in the company rather than a payment because I don’t have a lot of money to shell out to talented developers.

Is there a place to find people seeking a position in a startup or is there a place to find such people? None of my friends are programmers otherwise I would just have them come aboard my team and help me out but they are not into that kind of thing so I need to find some freelancers that would want to take equity in my startup instead of pay.

Is there a place to find people that are willing to do that or is it better develop as much as I can then pay somebody to come aboard? In my experience equity is just as valuable a payment as money because of the potential that such an application has. What would you guys suggest?

Answer 7299

There is a website designed to help you do exactly what you have described.

Here is the link:

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